
Showing posts from November, 2010


“Man, I could just listen to that song forever!”

“This place is so beautiful at sunset. I could stay here forever.”

“I love this city; I wish I could stay here forever.”

“College life is so great. I could stay in this stage forever.”

“Travelling is so much fun. I could live on the road forever!”

“This drink is awesome, dude! How I wish it lasts forever.”

And yet, at the end of the day, forever never happens. The song ends, and he moves on to the next song on the playlist; the sun sets, and the place loses that charm, and so he catches the packed evening train and returns home; the vacation ends, and he happily comes back to his familiar setting, the place he grew up at; college life gets over, friends move away, and soon they forget how great it used to be, caught up suddenly in that race to be somebody; the road he’s travelling on comes to an end, at his destination, and the destination suddenly becomes so alluring that the travel is forgotten; the drink in his hand doesn’t last forever, and the bottle slowly empties into his stomach, and forever is lost that night as he hurls into that blue bucket all night long.

Is it a good thing that forever doesn’t last forever?