I wait...

A warm cup of coffee
In the warm, bright sunshine
A friendly wave, a genuine smile
For the moment it all seems fine
But the world's a fragile place
And we don't seem to understand
That what may be ours today
Tomorrow might be out of our hands
In the ebb and flow of life
We must know what to hold on strong
For times are tough, and people walk fast
And life, sometimes, seems very, very long
So when I sit in that warm sunshine
And I wait for that genuine smile
The one that's followed me so long
The one I've been missing for a while
I wish that life wasn't so real
That for once, I'd know how to make amends
And hope, someday, to run back in time
And find myself with you, my friends...


  1. smiles. < see theres you a smile...enjoy the coffee too...

  2. @ Brian... Oh, I surely did. Made me smile too, that cup of coffee...

  3. this,undoubtedly,is one of the most beautiful pieces i've come across in recent times. i could instantly connect myself to it, and am sure everyone at some point of time will be able to connect to this piece. it's so simple, so genuine and so very nicely put :)

  4. And i wait...the one i have been missing for a while!"
    loved that part!!

  5. And i wait...the one i have been missing for a while!"
    loved that part!!

  6. @ eNiGmA... It really feels amazing to know that you could connect so easily and effortlessly with that poem. Thanks for the comment, cheers...

  7. @ Sakhii... :) Glad you enjoyed it so... Cheers...


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