
I have sinned,
My friend

Nay, it's all the past
You say
But the past clings on

You carried me then,
My friend
Through that rain
Through that snow
Through that cold

Nay, it's all the past
You say
But the past lingers on

The seas were rough
The tides were high
The war was fought
The arrows shot
Oh, my dear friend

Nay, it's all the past
You say
But the past lurks on

I have sinned
Many a day
Forgive me
My friend

Nay, it's all the past
You say
But the past smirks on


  1. the past does have a way of clinging to us like gum on our shoe. grace for others, well that can come easy, for ourselves, it seems the hardest thing to do at times.

  2. There's nothing worse than when the ghosts of the past haunt the present.

    Great work, as always.

  3. There's nothing worse than when the ghosts of the past haunt the present.

    Great work, as always.

  4. @ Brian... In a weird way, I'm somewhat glad that the past clings on so. Keeps me, somehow, in touch with a lot of things...

    Reminds me of sucking air through a rotten tooth... doesn't it? :D


  5. @ Brian... In a weird way, I'm somewhat glad that the past clings on so. Keeps me, somehow, in touch with a lot of things...

    Reminds me of sucking air through a rotten tooth... doesn't it? :D


  6. @ bondgal... Things could be worse, somehow... at least, to me, they can be...


  7. @ bondgal... Things could be worse, somehow... at least, to me, they can be...


  8. The past smirks on, indeed. Loved it!

  9. "but da past smirks on" luvd da line!!!

    past may be sad...but atleast its certain!!!

  10. "but da past smirks on" luvd da line!!!

    past may be sad...but atleast its certain!!!

  11. @ Cabo... It does, always. Sometimes, I can ignore it, while sometimes I wish it would stop... but then again, there are certain moments when I'm somehow glad for it...

  12. @ buckingfastard... Yup, absolutely. It's certain and so, so absolute...

  13. Your past is always a reality check to make you realise that nothing lasts forever, and makes you understand how precious your present actually is!

  14. @ Diva... Yes, maybe. But then again, it usually does so in a brutal way... maybe there's a reason for that, but wishful thinking hopes that it would cease to be that way...


  15. @ Diva... Yes, maybe. But then again, it usually does so in a brutal way... maybe there's a reason for that, but wishful thinking hopes that it would cease to be that way...



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