Once Upon A Time...

Once upon a time, it rained
The music on the guitar was strained
Little bombs of water from Heaven
Six, or was it Seven...
The water climbed up to the door
Patiently waiting, a little while more
Then it stretched out and knocked
Touched wood, seeped through rock
The middle of the night when the world slept
Once upon a time, when the skies wept...


  1. somehow....ur poems ...always cheer me up...everytime i read em...very well written....shows u still havent lost ur touch wid poetry....y dnt u put up ur other poems here as well...wid a slight entry on when they were actually written....

  2. Wow!!! Beautiful poem.. so u write poems too??? Good :)

  3. @ Sowmi... I used to, a long time ago. Now I've somehow lost that touch...

  4. @ Sowmi... I used to, a long time ago. Now I've somehow lost that touch...


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